I started what I thought would be a short answer to a comment on this post: Moron State Complaints.
But I couldn't just stop at one paragraph,so here is my response.
No thanks on being one of those ESE teachers, or any other position. I couldn't work in a system that depends on slight-of- hand relationships in order for the system to continue to exist. And hopefully, all that ESE teachers should expect from parents who have been deceived by the system is empathy. What is the difference of parents being dumped on and teachers being dumped on? We are all in the same dump.
For instance, if the District doesn't have the money to professionally develop and service IEP's, then why doesn't the District say so? Instead, the system has developed a set of shifting "hoops" that students and parents try to jump through, that frequently does not make sense.
Delay, delay, delay is the first hoop. "Observations, screenings or evaluations" take forever. There is nothing that says a student must fail first in order to be evaluated for a suspected disability.
A CERT is nothing more than a "double eligibility" scam. In other words, once a student is under IDEA, they are "eligible" for services "if they need it". An "IEP team", which includes the parent, can, and should, make decisions based on a variety of sources of information. Try convincing an OT/PT person of that one.
Have you ever studied the scoring system of a CERT? Just getting older lessens the "recommended eligibility score". How does that work, other than to diminish District costs for older kids.
And speaking of the words "recommended eligibility score", how many times have you seen where the CERT score is presented as "it is the recommendation of the IEP team....". Excuse me, but the "IEP team" includes the parent. But District people know better than to say: "In order for us to save money, the District is saying your child does not need (insert a related service here). However, in order for us to get some money from the State, but limit our expense, we will put a check mark for "consult services" on the IEP."
I do have empathy for teachers because they bear the brunt of the parent's anger when the parent starts to figure out they are being lied to. I may have labeled those posts under "administrative abuse of parents" and "parent/teacher conflict". I do not have empathy for teachers who actively go along with the deceit.
However, as one who has set through countless IEP meetings of my own and to assist others, it is little solace to parents when it has become evident that the IEP is not based on the needs of the student, or, it has become evident that the needs of the student were written into the IEP but the IEP is not being honored.
While parents and teachers are at each other's throats, the real decision makers are far away from the emotional toll it has on the teachers and parents and these distant decision makers don't have to face the truth in person. It is just paper work and check marks for them.
...there we stood in the doorway We heard the mission bell and we were thinking to ourselves "This could be heaven or this could be hell" Mirrors on the ceiling The pink champagne on ice. And she said: "We are all just prisoners here of our own device." (Eagles)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Do I Want To Be An ESE Teacher?
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6:14 PM
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Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the TĂȘnis e Sapato, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://tenis-e-sapato.blogspot.com. A hug.
Usually, I don't get a kid assigned to my Caseload until they are eligible. What is a CERT? Consult may be an easy way out for downtown folks, but at the school level, it's even harder to monitor their progress or problems'cause we never see them. In 2 years, we've lost 2 planning periods. The 1st to go was our "clinical " period where we met with students --at least monthly--GE teachers ( 7teachers x 20+ kids), guidance, called parents, did ESE paperwork, mentored,counseled, ,tutored, read tests, "accomodated" tests and assignments,and a myriad of other things.Then we lost the 2nd one along with all other HS teachers, Many ESE teachers are certified in core subject 'cause we've taught &/or FUSEd so long. WE can't handle not being able to do our two jobs in the time GE teachers have to do their one.It is so discouraging. We do our best--but it's not enough. I'm writing 3 IEPs over Spring Break--as well as doing my academic preps. Too, too much.
Me, again--we have to hire speech therapists from an outside agency. Is it possible that OT/PT personnel are not available ?
Considerations for Educationally Relevant Therapy
I have written several times about "parsing" of words. I have been in many, many IEP teams where services are denied because "it" wasn't "educationally relevant".
Next time you are around an ESE specialist or related service person, ask them to define "educationally relevant". Then ask them for their source.
It is my understanding that an IEP is to be developed to meet the individualized needs of the student with a disability. If the IEP team agrees that a student needs a related service, and we know by our formalized IDEA training that related services means,and is not limited to:
"§ 300.34 Related services.
(a) General. Related services means
transportation and such developmental,
corrective, and other supportive services
as are required to assist a child with a
disability to benefit from special
education, and includes speechlanguage
pathology and audiology
services, interpreting services,
psychological services, physical and
occupational therapy, recreation,
including therapeutic recreation, early
identification and assessment of
disabilities in children, counseling
services, including rehabilitation
counseling, orientation and mobility
services, and medical services for
diagnostic or evaluation purposes.
Related services also include school
health services and school nurse
services, social work services in schools,
and parent counseling and training.", the student receives it.
You state: "Usually, I don't get a kid assigned to my Caseload until they are eligible". I will try to clarify my previous post. Once a student has been found eligible for specialized instruction under the IDEA, it is my understanding that they do not have to then be "declared eligible" for any related services. This would be one of those areas where the parsing of words and meaning of intent comes in to play. Such as, if the District person, after presenting the CERT, says it (the CERT) is the recommendation of the IEP team, a knowlegeable person could argue that the CERT is simply another source of information, but that the CERT is not an IEP Team recommendation.
However, I have witnessed that (the District person saying that the CERT is the IEP teams recommendation) happening on more than one occasion, in fact numerous times. In one IEP meeting where I pointed out that the OT evaluation and the PT evaluation had the exact same language, I was told I wasn't properly educated to understand how OT and PT evaluations were done.
It has been my experience, and my opinion that the above mentioned CERT is treated by some District personnel as a secondary "finding of eligibility" for a specific related service, especially in the area of OT and PT.
Regarding your question about hiring outside services, it is my understanding that a Local Education Agency (LEA), which in our case is HCPS, is responsible for providing any and all related services that are specified in an IEP. It is also my understanding that how that is done is left to the LEA, but the services must be provided as outlined in IDEA. So, if the District has to hire outside agencies, then so be it.
I assume you read my post “Old News Is Still Bad News” about the OT/PT state investigation in Hillsborough County
HCPS OT/PT State Complaint
I never have heard what happened to the money .And just think about the negative image the District has from the people who heard what happened. Of course, we all realize that statistically, few know, but it sure meant a lot to the students and parents who were involved in not receiving the services.
Wrong link again.
Try this one:
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